Ladda ned broschyr
DACO Contractor är ett rivningsföretag med effektiva maskiner och erfaren personal. Genom vår lyhörda projektledare kan vi skräddarsy rätt lösning för dig. Vi har lång erfarenhet av allt ifrån mindre rivningar av hus till komplexa rivningar av kraftigt förorenade industrier.
Tack vare vår stora personalpool och maskinpark har vi tillgång till rätt resurser för just ditt projekt.
Vi arbetar aktivt med avfallstrappan i våra rivningsplaner, detta säkerställer att ett minimum hamnar på deponi. En kraftig majoritet av rivningsmaterialet går till återvinning eller återbruk.

Design-project preparation in accordance with clients requirements
construction & renovation
The process of construction and renovation according to project
budget approval
Budget analysis, corrections and approval with the client
A full walk-through of the project with the client and the architect
Populära frågor
Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.
Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.
Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.